Steiff Teddy Bear Festive Afternoon Tea 2021
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德國著名玩偶品牌Steiff將會捲土重來,與Café 103及大堂酒廊再度攜手呈獻「Steiff 小熊節慶下午茶」,讓賓客在可愛趣緻小熊陪伴下,置身於全球最高的酒店感受濃厚的節日氣氛。德籍行政總廚范秉達(Peter Find)精心主理,整個下午茶增添不少傳統節日元素,重點推介的黑森林杯及黑森林火腿煙火雞配醃紅心菜迷你芝士麵包,必然令人回味無窮。「Steiff 小熊節慶下午茶」將會在2021年12月1日至2022年1月2日供應。
The ever so cute Steiff Teddy Bears found their way back for the Ritzy festive cheer! In collaboration with time-honored German plush toy manufacturer Steiff, German-born Executive Chef Peter brings back the popular Steiff Teddy Bear Festive Afternoon Tea with a twist! Available at The Lounge & Bar and Café 103 from December 1, 2021 to January 2, 2022, savor iconic German Christmas treats including a Black Forest Verrine and Black Forest Ham perched upon our instagrammable red and golden teddy bear tea set stand!
Reservations and enquiries
Café 103:
The Lounge & Bar:
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